What to Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

Dear friends,

We are in the midst of major transitions and global shifts, and many of our next steps are not always clear.

So what should you do when you don’t know what to do?

It can be overwhelming to process all that is happening around us, while also having to meet the demands of everyday responsibilities. Our nervous systems can go into overdrive and our fears tend to push us into making decisions that only add more complications or keep us stuck instead of moving us forward.

So when you are deep in the unknown, feeling overwhelmed, and don’t know what to do or what action to take, remember that you have the power to be still.

Even if it is for a few moments or minutes, allow yourself to be still.

This doesn’t mean that you end up doing nothing. This means that you give yourself the space to determine the next aligned action that will create the positive impact that you want to make.

So be still and breathe.

Be still and know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Be still and know that even the confusion you feel right now serves a purpose.

Be still and know that clarity is just on the other side of making space for the not knowing.

Not knowing is NOT a sign to judge yourself or force decisions.

Not knowing what to do IS an invitation for stillness and deeper connection with your inner being.

Because what our mind can’t process or figure out in the unknown, our inner being knows how to navigate and walk through.

So choose to be still and remember that guidance is always available to you:

“In every moment whatever guidance I need is available to me.

“Deep in the quiet center of my being, I have the capacity to see beyond the limitations of my mind and body.

“Deep in the quiet center of my being, I can ask for guidance and receive what I need in each moment.

“Deep in the quiet center of my being, I have all the answers that will lead me to the decisions and actions that will support me on my path to thriving. I have access to knowing and wisdom that is beyond my years and mental capabilities. All I need to do is to learn to be still, to get quiet, and to listen. I also receive the wisdom of my body and my emotions.

“The world wants to rush me and distance me from all of this guidance that may lead me to challenge things as they are.

“I recognize that it is an act of bravery and courage to slow down and get quiet in this loud and hurried world.

“I choose to go deep into the quiet center of my being and I choose to let myself be guided so I can rise above the limitations that this world wants to place on me and my thriving.

“Deep in the quiet center of my being, I know that I am held and guided beyond human understanding.

“I am guided every moment that I choose to be, and I choose to slow down and receive guidance in every moment.”

- “The Womenifesto”

May you remember to use the power of stillness, honor your inner being, and may you continue to thrive.

With love and gratitude,



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