One Key Way to Build Unshakable Confidence

Dear Friends,

It took me a long time to realize that confidence is not something we are born with; rather, it is something we can intentionally build and nurture within ourselves. 

At its core, building unshakable genuine confidence is about developing self-trust. And one key way to start building self-trust and our confidence is by consistently keeping our promises to ourselves

Many of us have no problem focusing on honoring the commitments we make to others, but when it comes to ourselves, we may struggle to prioritize them and end up making compromises.

However, when we make commitments to ourselves and follow through with them, we send a powerful message to our minds:

"I am reliable, capable, and worthy." 

This process builds self-trust, rewires our brains to start noticing our competence, and lays a solid foundation for unshakable confidence.

Here are four examples of how keeping promises to yourself can help build your confidence:

  1. Self-Care Routine: By honoring our commitment to a simple self-care routine that grounds, energizes, and nourishes us, we not only prioritize our well-being but also build trust and confidence in our ability to take care of ourselves.

  2. Skill Development: Setting clear goals and dedicating time to acquire new skills that pique our curiosity (such as public speaking, negotiation, or learning a new language) expands our capabilities and boosts our confidence in our ability to adapt, learn, and grow.

  3. Boundaries: Whether it's saying "no" to tasks that don't align with our goals or establishing a healthy work-life balance, honoring our boundaries helps strengthen our confidence in making decisions that support our needs and priorities.

  4. Networking and Relationship-building: By proactively reaching out to new connections or nurturing existing relationships (such as connecting with one person a day), we not only strengthen our social connections but also cultivate confidence in our ability to connect and collaborate with others.

Each promise we honor contributes to our personal growth and strengthens our trust in ourselves and our abilities. The more consistent we are in honoring our commitments, the more our confidence will flourish.

Ultimately, what’s important to remember is that building unshakable confidence is not something that happens overnight. It is a process, and it starts with developing self-trust. The best way to cultivate self-trust is by keeping our promises to ourselves.

So, start right now!

Identify one promise you want to make to yourself and begin honoring it today.

Keep showing up for yourself, and before you know it, your efforts will be reflected in the increased confidence with which you will show up in the world!

Sending you lots of love and gratitude,



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