The Leader’s Guide to Overcoming Life’s Unexpected Hardships

Dear Friends,

Whether it is an accident, tragedy, sudden loss, illness, devastating heartbreak, trauma, or a terrible combination of unexpected difficulties, life happens to all of us. It doesn’t care if you are a CEO, a leader, have people depending on you, or have a business or an organization to run (or you are due to write your bi-weekly letters).

So, what do you do when the rug gets pulled out from right under you? How do you cope when your life has instantly turned upside down?

Given the turbulent times we live in and all the tragedies happening around us, I have prepared a brief, yet, complete 10-step guide to help you prepare and recover quickly from life's unexpected hardships if/when you are faced with one.

You are welcome to get the guide here (it is free, of course):

This resource was inspired by my years of guiding clients through unexpected challenges and a deep examination of my own recovery process after going through an excruciating situation last year. I share some of what I went through in the hopes that it will help you remember that you are not alone in going through painful human experiences.

If you are ever hit with a sudden and painful shock to your system, I hope you will keep this in mind:

Resilience isn’t about pushing past pain or not feeling pain, it is about having the capacity to move through it. 

From the bottom of my heart, I hope that this guide helps you prepare and move through whatever comes your way and brings you comfort when you need it most. And I ask that you please share this resource with those you love and care about.

Sadly, just a week ago, I tragically lost a friend who had been struggling in silence for a long time and I had no idea. It is still hard for me to believe that he is gone and I wish I had reached out to him and shared this resource sooner… I don’t know if it would have solved his challenges, but it might have at least encouraged him to reach out and ask for help.

So please share this link with friends, family, and colleagues. We all need these reminders and you never know who may be really needing them now.

This guide is dedicated to the memory my friend and to the brave and incredibly resilient women who are fighting for their freedoms - my mind, heart, and spirit are with you all.

With love and gratitude,



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